Session status Benchmark - Animals of Asia


Identify the animal you find most interesting and explain why. Think of a few ideas to help save this animal from extinction. Include a list of your ideas.

Choose one of the animals and tell how its body helps it adapt to its habitat.

The author included statistics and a chart that show why these animals have become endangered. In each chapter she wrote about how people's actions affect these animals. Why do you think the author wrote this book? How does she feel about the topic? Support your answers with evidence from the text.

  1. The author uses description to tell about the Gobi Desert.
    Find an example of this on page 2.
  2. What can you tell about the Gobi Desert from the map
    on page 3?
  3. What is the camel's nickname?
  4. What makes a panda a perfect bamboo-eating machine?
  5. What is the information in the first paragraph on page 16 mainly about?
  6. How many wild tigers are there today?
  7. Tigers are losing their habitat because . . .
  8. The second paragraph on page 27 is mainly about . . .

Number your answers. Hit the enter key after each answer.


Directions: Read the passage. Identify the key topics of each paragraph and then write a summary of its most important points.

Saving Tigers

Conservation organizations work to save endangered species such as the Bengal tiger. Protecting habitats is one way to increase the tiger population. Conservation organizations create reserves. These are special areas where tigers can live and be protected. On reserves, tigers are safe from hunters and predators.

Education is another way that these organizations help tigers. They tell people about endangered species. For example, in China, some people believe medicine made with tiger bone provides strength. These people are told that saving the tiger population is more important than making this medicine.

Finally, conservation organizations ask lawmakers to pass laws that will protect tigers. Some laws restrict animal trade between countries and protect natural habitats. In these ways, people can help animals around the world.