Session status Benchmark - The Underground Railroad



What is it? ~ What do I know About it?


VOCABULARY - Reread and look for the clues to help you define the word.

What does the word "property" mean in this book? (Clues on page 3.)


FIND IT - Reread to locate the facts and details to answer the question.

1. About how many people were Underground Railroad agents?

2. In what year did the underground railroad begin?


LOOK CLOSER! - You may need to look in more than one place in the text.

1. The slave population in the South grew more quickly because...

2. Why didn't Underground Railroad agents keep records of their work?


PROVE IT! - You'll be the detective. You'll find clues but not the exact answer.

1. What clue on page 9 suggests that a stationmaster was a very detailed person?

2. From the map on page 11, you can tell that the Underground Railroad used both ___ and ____. What are the clues and evidence you used to answer this question?


TAKE IT APART! - Ask yourself how the author organized the information.

1. The author probably included the map on page 5 to...

2. The author uses description to tell about safe houses. (Find examples on page 8.)


Hubbard House - Underground Railroad







VOCABULARY - Reread and look for the clues to help you define the word.

What does the word "rebelled" mean in this book? (Clues on page 12.)


FIND IT - Reread to locate the facts and details to answer the question.

Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?


LOOK CLOSER! - You may need to look in more than one place in the text.

1. Why was Saturday night the best time for slaves to escape?

2. How are codes and signals the same? How are they different? (Ask your teacher for a Venn Diagram to share the answers you've included here.)


PROVE IT! - You'll be the detective. You'll find clues but not the exact answer.

1. Information about Uncle Tom's Cabin in the first paragraph on page 14 suggests that...?

2. What is the information on page 21 mainly about?


TAKE IT APART! - Ask yourself how the author organized the information.

1. The author probably included the information in In My Opinion no page 13 to...

2. What text structure does the author use to tell the story of Caroline Hammond on pages 18-19?





VOCABULARY - Reread and look for the clues to help you define the word.

What does the word "abductors" mean in this book? (Clues on page 24.)


FIND IT - Reread to locate the facts and details to answer the question.

1. Escaping slavery took great...

2. When did the Thirteenth Amendment end slavery?


LOOK CLOSER! - You may need to look in more than one place in the text.

1. What happened after Harriet Tubman escaped to Philadelphia? (Use transition words to describe the sequence of events - first, next, then, after that)

2. Why did John Parker burn the notebook of names and homes of fugitives?

PROVE IT! - You'll be the detective. You'll find clues but not the exact answer.

1. The information in the first paragraph on page 27 is mainly about...

2. What can you tell about the period of time Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery to the time the Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery in the United States?


TAKE IT APART! - Ask yourself how the author organized the information.

1. How does the author tell about heroes on of the Underground Railroad in Chapter 4? (examples)

2. Why did the author probably call the section about he Coffins' house on page 26 A Busy "Station"?





What did you learn? What did you find most interesting? What would you like to know more about?

Brief History of the Underground Railroad






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