1. Does Australia have any desert region? |

2. What year did Benjamin Franklin go to France? |

3. How many home runs did Babe Ruth hit? |

4. What separates the British Isles from Denmark? |

5. What is the population of Canada? |

6. List the oceans bordering Canada. |

7. List the products grown or raised on farms (farm goods or agriculture) of Canada. |

8. Name two of Canada's Provinces (or States). |

How high is the highest mountain elevation in Canada? |

Name two sports played in Canada. |

11. On what date do Canadians celebrate, “Canada Day”? |

12. What year did the US Revolution begin and end? |

13. What year was the Declaration of Independence signed? |

14. How many people signed the Declaration of Independence? |

15. What other countries helped the US during our Revolution? |

16. How long is the Great Wall of China? |

17. What state has no straight lines in it's borders? |

18. What 3 states have borders that are all straight lines? |

19. What is a screech owl's habitat? |

20. How far is Saturn from the Earth? |

21. What is a Nobel Peace Prize? |

22. Who was the first US astronaut? |

23. How long was the longest known dinosaur? |

24. Who was the president after Abraham Lincoln? |

25. Name one famous building in London England. |

26. What is the difference between Meteoroids and Meteorites? |

27. Name two of the five Great Lakes |

28. How old are some of the oldest sequoia and redwood trees? |

29. What does a camel keep in his hump |

30. What does the holiday Labor Day honor? |
