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NOTE: The information on this page represents a small sampling of content associated with this topic. This google search box will allow you to search within this site and the entire web.

Podcasting got its name from the Apple IPod which hit the streets and became a permanent appendage to the teenage ear in 2004. The term combines two words: "iPod" – as in Apple iPod and "broadcasting." But you don't need an IPod to create a podcast and podcasts are not broadcast over the airwaves. Podcasts are available to any computer with an internet connection. (This podcast clip was created at Clickcaster)

A podcast is a file – audio (MP3/MP4 format), video, images, text, PDF (a purest would say a podcast is audio only assigning the term vodcast to video etc.). A podcast is published to the internet – moved to a website server - for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. Podcasts may be distributed using either RSS or Atom syndication which can be subscribed to for free or for a fee. A podcast does not have to be distributed via syndication; simply point your audience to the website where your podcasts reside.

A typical podcast would include a music intro, intro to the cast, more music, the podcast message, music exit, and final comments, music out. Many podcasts use the same theme song. Make sure that the music you use is your own!

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High-End Creation Options

  • Adobe Audition
  • Macromedia Captivate (audio with simulations)
    Creation of interactive simlations and demonstrations Incorporating audio, video and animation. Publish as Flash and executable CD. Output to MS Word for handouts.
  • Camtasia Studio ~ similar to Captivate


  • ~ The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library, with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format.
  • Our Media ~ Publish and store video, audio and other media that you created! Share and discover independent media. Connect to a global community!
  • Learn how to create citizens media. Free storage & bandwidth forever!
    Includes a Personal Learning Media Center.


MEDIA PLAYERS ~ embed in website, blogs, wikis




School Library Journal Podcast - Podcasting at Grandview Elementary School (Local Copy)

Podcasts are used to support literacy as well as communication with the extended school community.  The list below outlines the work that has culminated in, or was supported by podcasts.  Links are provided to examples:

Book Recordings with page turn signals in library listening center
These recordings were created by myself and some teachers.  Over the summer I will create about 40 more.  Our listening center will have approximately 100 titles when school starts in September. The books are read at a slower speed than commercial produced recordings. This is important as the goal is to have children follow along as a book is read.

Book clips on website
One page book clips are included for books highlighted on the Grandview Library Website – Click on any grade level navigation image at the top of the page to look and listen. Example: First Grade

Grandview Library Newsletter
Monthly newsletter used to share library happenings with parents. The example below was translated by the district translator and the read by our Assistant Principal (Spanish) and a teacher who speaks Creole.  We will attempt to keep up with this each month this coming school year.
Examples:English,  Creole, and Spanish

Web-Based Project Organizers
Web-Based Project Organizers provide a one-to-one workspace for students to access and respond to teacher developed units of study and to provide two-way communication between student and teacher. Organizers may be developed for: a single concept, for a mini-lesson, or to support a multi-week unit of study on a major topic.  Organizers can be developed for any grade-level. Organizers incorporate multiple media: text, images, audio, video, web-based games, and activities, website links etc. as appropriate to reach and engage students of all levels and learning styles. Teachers can create their own media and/or access media which is available via subscription and on the web.   Project organizers support whole-class instruction, small group instruction, collaborative learning, and individual learning both within the classroom and from any location which has a computer and internet access.  Teachers have web-based access to project organizer student responses which allows them to review student work, write individualized comments, answer student questions, and support classroom instruction to ensure success for all students.
Examples which incorporate podcasts: Chimpanzees, Turtles, and more.

Grandview Newspaper
The Grandview Web-Based Newspaper is a showcase for published writing projects undertaken in the library and in classrooms.  Podcasts are created for news stories, research projects, classroom journal writing etc. See examples here: Grandview Newspaper  While we do not publish children’s pictures on our website, we do publish their voices!

Literacy Support
Podcasts are also created to support literacy in the areas of fluency.  Students are recorded as they practice their parts for Reader’s Theater Plays, when reading poetry etc.

More Classroom Podcasts

Great Voice Thread Example:

Show All

Classroom Ideas

School News

Public Service


How To

Classroom News


Instrument & Voice

Poetry Readings



Guidance News

Artwork Narrated

PhysEd Let's Move


Speical Events

Study Guides

Foreign Language

Today in History

Word of the Day

Book Talks

Movie Reviews

Pod Pals

Field Trips

Spelling Quiz

Radio Show



Yesterday I created a podcast via Skype using GCast. I registered for GCast and recorded this Podcast using Skype. Part of this recording is actually a conference call -- SKYPE conferencing in GCAST and my website development partner. I took the embed code which was provided and added the code to this page -- and voila - the conference call podcast below.

Yesterday I created a podcast via Skype using Big Contact Feed Player!

I've created a Vaestro Audio Forum Channel ~ Vaestro is audio forum software that you can use on your web site for free. Talk to your friends, host interactive podcasts, or use it like an audio blog. Use it anytime you need to communicate with groups of people small or large. With Vaestro, everyone has a chance to speak and be heard. Our software is built to solve many problems with other methods of communication. In fact, it is built to become a new paradigm in mass media.

The following episode was created using GabCast -- also supports conference calls!

Also signed up for Odeo and tried out OdeoStudio below. Odeo's phone service is a lot like leaving a voice mail except the messages are instantly converted to mp3 and saved on the web.

powered by ODEO

Link an Audacity File to SmartBoard Notebook Lesson

Children in Wales Podcasts - RSS Feed of Podcast created with Feed2JS

Here is a CNN RSS Podcast Feed (See more under RSS Feed Pages)

Also take a look at MSNBC Meet the Press