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Alan November Workshop
November Learning
November 2, 2008 - BOCES

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Clips Summary Minutes
01 What I see around the world. Connecting to audience. Collaboration is the #1 21st Century Skill. How do I meet people all around the world and work with them. Harness collective knowledge to solve problems. Urgency everywhere but in the United States. Economic success requires this! We need to globalize our curriculum. Each group come up with two essential questions. Discussion noise. 06:27
02 How long to our grown children live at home-come back. Collecting questions: Social Networking; Resistance; Leverage Enthusiasm; Ensure Safety; Technology as tool instead of add-on; etc... 04:50
03 Continue with Essential Questions... Sustainability; Balance of control school & learner. Do we need curriculum we've got? Start with critical thinking. Web dominant media of society... Global Village/Medium is the Message - Marshall Mcluhan ... Using the web - ignorance.... Top three skills for teachers - discussion noise -- talking with neighbor. 21:44
04 More skills for teachers -- what we'll ask for - questions from audience. How are teachers hired now? An aside, Search with limiting Site:ac = academic. Need to learn how to search Google -limit search etc. Why Wikipedia is the best place to start. Every kid needs his own website... Native American Project 3rd Grade - how to make it authentic - reach outside... Skype etc. to interview tribe members. Write email in teams to Iroquois Nation - can we Skype interview for 10 minutes? 45.22
05 (Return from break) Four variables when designing assignment. 1) Connect to authentic audience; 2) 3rd grade work lives beyond 3rd grade; 3) Get an audience; 4) Engage in Blogs around the world - comment and read, 5) Record & Publish. We have to TRUST TEACHERS. Create your own Search Engine using Google. Kids and teachers can contribute to the Search Engine. Build good search tools yourself. Accept Federal money does require some filtering. More about searching Google. Grandparents network to read to read to children over the web. 52.19

25 Minutes to write - practical goals for 21st century skills and BHAGs. Self-directed learners - how do we develop this kind of students - official researcher of the day - notetaker - Capacity to manage own learning! Socratic method. Take one online course. Screencasting tutorials - who is doing? JingProject (Techsmith makers of Camtasia) Go back at old ideas in light of new technologies. Presentation by Mr. Polizzi - 6th math teacher in Nanuet. Google Docs. Kiva. FlipVideo.

07 After presentation discussion - BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goals 07:47